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Recording pen can be used within 30 days. Small ultra small meeting student clas30

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Recording pen can be use


Memory life type: TF Card

Function: voice to text

We need to or not: we need to

: Chinese Mainland

Place of life: Guangdong Province

3c certificate No.: 200805000176Mrobo

Memory card type: TF card

Function: Voice transfer text

Whether with screen: without screen

: Mainland China

Delivery place: Guangdong Province

3c certification certificate number:200805000176

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d within 30 days. Small ultra small meeting student clas30

Xiang Hai Tang Trading Co.,LTD

  • Phone: +86 0566-13883310927
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: Bags, clothing and socks industry
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:2019
  • Export Markets:South America,Asia,Europe,Africa,Oceania
  • Total Annual Revenue:1