Artware, General Merchandise& Pet
Auto Parts & Accessories
Computer Products
Drones & Robotics
Electronic Components
Fashion Accessories
Fashion Apparel & Fabrics
Furniture & Home Decor
Gifts & Premiums
Health & Personal Care
Home Appliances
EXW Price: 
US $2.85
1 + Pieces
< >
- + Piece
From China
US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $2.85 (not including shipping cost)

Specify the need. Please know as much about the product as possible before you take it, please leave a message if there is something unclear, customer service will be as soon as possible. - A sufficient supply of goods. The number of goods in our store is waiting, you can rest assured that you can subsequently bid. Temporary shortages will be marked on the display picture. If there is a breakdown of goods, it is not possible to update it, this vendor will contact the buyer in time and negotiate solutions. And please also have a mercy on us all. - Chromatic deviation problem. All the goods in our store are served as a mishap, due to technology、 monitors、 light、 environmental reasons may show a slight chromatic difference, this is normal, please understand, careful bidding for highly sensitive buyers of color difference. - Price issues Our store sells at a meagre profit, non negotiable price, all prices above the store are the actual prices sold, please don't waste your time negotiating the price, we guarantee quantity and quality, this is not the case. Finally, i wish you all a pleasant life!

Dongzhi County Nideli International Trade Co., LTD

  • Phone: +86 178-4460-6069
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: daily provisions; handicrafts;household products;electronic products
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:2022
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue:


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